Watch out for heat stroke to all workers on construction sites

A heat wave is settling over Quebec for the next few days!


*** Notice to all workers on construction sites *** 

Attention au coup de chaleur; adaptez votre rythme de travail et prenez des pauses, de préférence à l’ombre ou dans un endroit frais.



​How to prevent heat stroke




Tips to prevent heat stroke!

  • Drink at least a glass of water every 10, 15 or 20 minutes, even if you are not thirsty.
  • Wear light clothing, light colored, preferably cotton (promotes sweat evaporation).
  • Cover your head to work outside.
  • Adjust your work pace according to your acclimatization to the heat and climatic conditions (e.g. heat, humidity, sunshine).
  • Take breaks (hourly, and for an appropriate length of time) in the shade or in a cool place.


Source: CNESST 



Visit the CNESST website for more advice.