Accidents between forklifts and pedestrians

Forklifts are powerful material handling machines that are used in many different work areas. They are the root of many accidents and even deaths. Forklifts have many characteristics that the pedestrians along with the driver of the forklift do not know which would explain the number of accidents.



Characteristics of a forklift


Strength and weight:

The compact shape of a forklift is difficult to assume that it is heavy. In fact the weight of a forklift is actually the equivalent of six cars. Being in front of this powerful equipment in movement and even at low speed a pedestrian does not stand a chance to pull out during a collision.


Rear wheel direction:

This feature ensures that the rear of the forklift moves in the opposite direction when cornering. It is very important that the pedestrians keep a secure distance from the forklift and to never have their feet close to the wheels.


Reduced vision:

Due to the configuration of the forklift there are more blind spots for the driver which is quite alarming. The load, the mast, and the structure of the forklift are many of the visual obstacles to the driver. This reduced visibility disables the detection of pedestrians and is difficult to prevent dangerous situations and diminishes the chances of emergency braking.


Considerable braking distance:

The braking distance of a forklift varies on the speed, the load and the driving surface. We have a tendency to go faster when the forklift is empty

  • At 6 km/h (Walking speed), A forklift requires at least 3 meters in order to stop.
  • At 12 km/h, a forklift with still move 7 to 8 meters before actually stopping.


Human error is not to be dismissed


It is sure that the forklift has particular features, even when the driver has perfect control over his environment, we cannot forget human error.

Many scenarios can explain poor pedestrian detection on behalf of the driver

  • The driver omits to look in the direction of the movement of the forklift.
  • The driver circulates in reverse and yet does not spot check the surroundings
  • The task enables the attention and concentration of the driver(limiting all possibilities of detection)
  • The driver has an obstructed view; by the structure of the forklift, the load being transported, the structure of the building, the layout of the merchandise on the floor and by the circulation of other vehicles (either parked or moving).
  • The driver is unable to detect pedestrians due to poor lighting or glare.
  • The driver does not use the vision tools which are provided (mirrors , signals, presence detectors)


How to avoid or at least limit accidents which implicates pedestrians?



  • Separating the forklift zone from the pedestrian zone by making separate aisles one for pedestrians and one for forklifts.
  • Denying access in the forklift zone.
  • In any possible mesure, pedestrians must keep a secure distance from the forklift. It is important to make visual contact with the forklift driver thus assuring the driver is aware of your presence in the work zone.
  • Assure that the work zone is well lit and there are no obstacles that may reduce the driver’s visibility.
  • Exercise caution around and near blind spots, near entrances and narrow aisles. The driver must apply the horn of the forklift when approaching crossroads.
  • Wear visible clothing where it’s required.
  • Set speed limits for forklifts.
  • Do not walk near forklifts which the forks are lifted neither walk underneath the forks.
  • Take caution not to obstruct the vision of the forklift driver who is transporting a load.
  • Avoid operating a forklift where there is an elevated pedestrian zone.


Limit areas of restricted vision


To prevent collisions, a pedestrian detection is necessary. Many types of cameras are recommended in this situation. Simple cameras, radars, ultrasounds or morphological recognition etc. Fo exemple, a pedestrian detection system using a morphological recognition system.

Blue : Field of vision (control screen)

Orange : Danger zone (As soon as a pedestrian enters this area, the driver is warned by an alarm)


Attention, these security systems are tools to assist the vigilance of the driver. The simple fact of installing a system would not eliminate all accidents but would certainly help to diminish some of them. Whatever position we are whether a driver or pedestrian being vigilant is important.



Maximize your vision and security on the work site by installing an industrial camera: 



Backup camera


BLAXTAIRview® is a premium camera system improving safety around industrial vehicles. It supplies a precise vision of the environment to the driver. Robust and reliable, BLAXTAIRview® wide field of view cameras give a high resolution color image. They provide a good situational awareness even in very low illumination environment by switching automatically to infrared when necessary.


Pedestrian detection for industrial vehicle


Blaxtair® is an intelligent on-board camera which helps to prevent collisions between construction machinery and pedestrians. Combined with good practice and organizational safety measures, it is the only efficient and reliable answer to meet the safety demands of the construction, road work and mining sectors.