


A video as a reminder to feel cool during this hot week in Quebec!

*** Notice to all workers on construction sites: Watch out for heat stroke; adapt your work rhythm and take breaks, preferably in the shade or in a cool place. Consult the CNESST guide for more advice. ***





Laserline system - Lasser guidance for snow removal application


The driver has only to follow the laser spot on the road


It is a versatile all weather product that can be used for snow plow, guiding highway paint stripers, asphalt distributors, pavement profilers, or virtually any other vehicle or equipment requiring line control.  

Every LaserLine product has been designed and manufactured for quality, long-life, and ease of use.


Innovation. Quality. Service.


For more information about Laserline system:




Don't wait until problems occur!

Contact your sales representative to know which products if offered for your industry.